Plan Management

Plan Management allows you to concentrate on what matters most, so you can take maximum advantage of your NDIS plan. With our support, you can manage the funds allocated to your NDIS plan in NSW and Australia.

NDIS Plan Management, Australia 

The NDIS Advanced Care program, was developed to assist people with disabilities in navigating the program with confidence.

As a registered plan manager, let’s get started! We can assist you in maximizing your NDIS benefits.

Whether you are preparing your first NDIS plan or managing your budgets and paying service providers, we support members at every step in the process.

Thousands of Australians can unlock their NDIS plans with the help of NDIS. We do best at our charity by providing support, information, and resources since we want our clients to achieve their full potential.

NDIS Plan Management Advance Care

ndis plan management

You can manage your NDIS plan through plan management. Keeping track of your NDIS budget and taking care of the time-consuming intricacies such as bookkeeping, audits, and managing your budgets is so much easier with NDIS Budget Manager. 

  • NDIS funds can be used however you like for registered and unregistered providers alike. 
  • Get budget and funding management help from us. 
  • We handle invoice management and payments. 
  • No audits or paperwork is required. 
  • Find providers in your area with our service. 
  • NDIS provides additional funding for plan management, so no out-of-pocket expenses are incurred. 
  • Plan managers are registered NDIS providers, so some supports are less costly. 
  • Manage your NDIS Plan (combination plan) entirely or in part. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for the NDIS

Is Plan Management beneficial to me? 

  • Reduces stress and saves time. For managing your plan, you must claim NDIS funds to pay providers. … 
  • You should feel secure and at ease. … 
  • Makes it easier to stay organized. … 
  • Flexible, customizable, and controllable. … 
Self-Management differs from Plan Management in that the latter must follow the NDIS price guide while the former can pay any price. Invoices are paid to providers, and Plan Managers reclaim NDIA funds.
NDIS plans that the NDIA manages (sometimes called agency-managed plans): You have the option of selecting from NDIS registered providers. The providers make payments electronically. The NDIA will handle your finances and expenses.
Using this information, the NDIS will construct your first support plan. In the next step, an NDIA representative will speak with you and your nominee to discuss whether any gaps or unmet needs exist in your current support system, as well as how they relate to your goals.

With access to 24-hour assistance, you can be rest assured you're taken care of.

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