Usually, even when trying enough to remain close to your National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) member, you sometimes cannot do it. It may be either due to extreme work pressure or frequent travel; you are forced to leave them behind either in the responsibility of the caretaker or a nearby family member.
As you are the one who has been taking care of them for a long period, it often stresses you about their well-being. And this is where NDIS-supported Living can help you and your NDIS member.
Supported Independent Living (SIL) is an alternative to living offered by the NDIS scheme under the care package where the participants can either live on their own or with their family members.
In this article, we’ll help you figure out if NDIS Supported Independent Living is right for you or your loved ones and how you can get independent living services along with the NDIS SIL rules that need to be followed by the participants and their family members.
What is supported independent Living (SIL) under the NDIS?
People with disabilities who qualify for the NDIS can receive support for independent living under-supported independent living (SIL).
What is SIL? In general, SIL funding is provided to households with 24/7 support, but you may still qualify if your support needs are lower or if you live with a family.
Regardless of your disability living, you want to access your kind of freedom or give a level of independence to your NDIS member.
Every person aspires to live on their terms, choosing where they live and what they do.
Australians with permanent disabilities over 7 or under 65 years of age can access the NDIS SIL to get the proper and necessary support that they need to live an ordinary life.
The Advance Care Agency strives to go beyond these expectations. People with disabilities can ask questions about their NDIS plans, receive assistance with managing them, and find service providers to provide the support they need in a safe environment.
Does the NDIS cover support for Independent Living?
Funding for the NDIS is available to people who are suffering from intellectual, physical, sensory, cognitive, or psychological disabilities.
Interested NDIS participants must meet the NDIS’s eligibility requirements to qualify for the fund.
Individuals with disabilities who are permanently and significantly disabled are entitled to NDIS funding. People who reside or hold a permanent or special visa in Australia are referred to as those who live here.
Additionally, individuals who meet the following criteria are eligible:
- A person between the ages of 7 and 65
- Supported by another person to manage their disabilities
- For Independent Living, you need special equipment
As part of the NDIS, participants’ goals to live as independently as possible are also considered.
People are asked about personal preferences for living arrangements, furnishings, daily chores, and the support services they are receiving.
If you are unsure about supporting Independent Living (SIL) eligibility, you can count on us or check the NDIS SIL guidelines.
How are supported independent living options for NDIS levels determined?
Supported independent Living funding is divided into three levels based on the level of support and independent home care needs of participants.
Support for the NDIS independent living options is usually provided by an independent support worker under the NDIS and is classified as follows:
Lower needs – Support at this level provides regular living arrangements and supervision and is not typically available 24 hours a day.
Standard needs – 24-hour support, including daily supervision, assistance with daily tasks and overnight assistance, are provided as part of this level of support.
Higher needs – A continuous active support program is included with this level of SIL. People with complex behavioural disabilities or high medical needs usually require this level of care.
Our experienced NDIS independent support worker at Advance Care in New South Wales can determine your eligibility for the supported accommodation and arrange a plan review to include funding for SIL-supported independent living in your plan if you do not currently have the budget for SIL within your plan.
In what ways are supported living assessed?
After knowing what SIL is and its eligibility, you are now keen to know about the SIL assessment.
Well, there are NDIS SIL rules that must be addressed by the participants.
As part of the SIL assessment, those beneficiaries under the care of NDIS-funded SIL arrangements are asked about their current living arrangements and future needs.
The process also includes the need for the assessors to communicate with everyone’s family and existing support programs and gather relevant information.
The SIL assessment is designed to identify the support individuals need to improve their quality of life and manage their finances.
In addition to those who still reside with their parents, live in a shared living arrangement with other NDIS participants, live independently, or would like to move into more independent and age-appropriate housing, the SIL assessment is available to those living with disabilities either with their parents or in shared accommodation.
The goal of the SIL program is to provide the right resources to support individual freedoms and lifestyle choices.
How much funding is available for supported services under the NDIS?
As part of your NDIS independent living plan, you may be able to access a range of SIL supports depending on your needs. Some supports may be provided for the independent community living support, depending on your personal goals and plan inclusions.
Many supports are provided in the home, but various community-based supports may also be available.
Supported independent living services for the disabled are available under the NDIS in the following areas:
- Assistance with cooking, cleaning, laundry, gardening, and home maintenance, as well as daily life skills support
- Taking care of one’s personal needs, such as showering, preparing food, and dressing
- If a person has a more complex requirement, such overnight support is provided.
- Taking part in sports, community activities, and other recreational activities
- Skills development in social relationships, communication, and relationships
- Expense management and expense payment assistance
In what ways does the NDIS support Independent Living?
Adults and young people with disabilities often receive independent living support services when they reside in shared accommodations.
If you receive SIL funding, you may benefit from SIL accommodation options. As a result of this program, you will be able to:
1. Is it possible to share the rent costs? If you don’t want to live alone, you can share the living costs, including rent, electricity bills, rates, water usage, internet, and other household expenses.
2. There is some possibility of sharing disability support among household members who receive the same services.
3. With another person at home, you can share household responsibilities and enjoy their company.
How do you get SIL funding for your independent living support?
You’ll first talk to your NDIA planner about your current situation in a planning meeting if you’re new to the NDIS.
It is generally necessary to complete the Home and Living Supports Request Form.
Additionally, you may be asked by your NDIA planner to discuss your day-to-day needs with family members and caregivers who are close to you.
By doing so, the NDIA will truly understand your current situation and your goals for your home and living situation. They can also use it to determine whether SIL accommodation is the right choice for you.
The next exciting step is to choose your SIL provider actually to determine the NDIA SIL-suited funding.
How can the NDIS support provider assist the participants in SIL?
Participants are encouraged to complete the Home and Living supporting evidence form if they have a new goal of exploring home and living options or if their circumstances have changed.
The form can be submitted as follows:
- A review of the plan will take place within 100 days of its end date
- with a change of details form or change of situation
- A Request for Review should accompany the decision form.
Participants don’t need to fill out the form, but it helps them document any home and living goals, their current circumstances, strengths, and barriers.
Following their current needs, they can select the most appropriate option from the form.
Why is SIL beneficial to people with disabilities?
Access to the NDIS support people with disability to control their lives and choices more. People with disabilities can benefit from SIL if living independently is a part of their goal.
The cost of housing will also be shared by the people living in it, and the funds will be spent on other things as well. Under the care of a support worker, SIL provides affordable support to a group of people living together in a house.
Under SIL, the costs of the support worker staying overnight will be shared by three people rather than one. The Advance Care NDIS program supports people who are eligible for supported independent living disability.
Choosing the right provider of SIL
Support Coordination is also provided to most people who receive SIL NDIS. You can arrange an assessment with an occupational therapist (as an example) through your Support Coordinator.
The most important benefit of their assistance is that they can help you find the most appropriate SIL provider to meet your needs.
If one SIL provider does not meet your needs, you may need to seek assistance from another SIL provider. Support workers working in the home are managed and screened by SIL providers. In addition, some SIL providers have vehicles on site, which get used for community events or social activities.
The majority of SIL participants receive NDIS-supported accommodation to live in shared living homes, although you may receive SIL in your own home.
Meeting with several SIL providers is crucial, but still, it’s essential to do so for being an independent support worker, we must identify your actual needs.
A tour of the home will be possible with your Support Coordinator for the NDIS-supported accommodation during this time.
Besides asking questions about the home and the supportive services, you can also inquire about the neighbourhood and other residents.