Supported Independent Living: Know SIL funding, eligibility to disability accommodation! 

The decision to move out of the family home is bittersweet for most people with disabilities, their caregivers, family, and friends. When stepping out of a familiar, safe environment and creating your path, there can be pride, excitement, and anxiety. 

While emotions are important, practical considerations also need to be considered. Before deciding to move out or in supported independent living (SIL) accommodation, participants should carefully consider the financial implications and possible required disability service beforehand. 

The NDIS SIL fund can help you become more independent by allowing you to access services that ensure reasonable and necessary independence. It is possible to access various services that can help you live an independent lifestyle, such as moving out of the home, assistance with daily living, provide support for individual needs, supervision of most daily tasks and more. 

The NDIS provides a few funding categories designed to move out of home for the participants, such as Supported Independent Living (SIL). SIL is an excellent option for people living more independently with a well-managed roster of care. However, it can be complex to understand what SIL is and how it fits into your plan.  

Here in this article, we share the proper rules and guidelines one must follow to receive SIL support along with NDIS price guide and living options. 


Why should you consider Supported Independent Living (SIL)? 

Supported Independent Living (SIL) focuses on developing participants’ core skills to manage daily tasks independently as they work towards independence. An individual’s National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) can determine the level of support, disability accommodation options and funding for this type of assistance. 

Individuals with disabilities who live independently may be eligible for SIL, whether in their own homes, private rental properties, shared house, or specialist disability accommodation.  

SIL often supports people who need help and who are ready to share accommodation with two to seven others. Likewise, the participants can also share the SIL costs.  

Each participant in a shared living environment gets their own room, and they usually have access to 24/7 support for household and personal tasks (like cooking, cleaning, and bathing).  

Additionally, participants will have the opportunity to work with support workers while they develop new skills and move towards more independence. 


How does supported accommodation benefit you? 

 Independent living with support offers many benefits. Individuals with disabilities who wish to gain greater independence while still receiving the appropriate support and accommodation can live in SIL homes. If unsure, you can connect with the SDA provider. 

As SIL house typically has two or more housemates, it’s also easy to meet new people. In addition, the places are designed specifically for people with disabilities, with wheelchair accessibility. 

You may receive assistance from your supporter for the following tasks: 

  • Clean-up, gardening, and grocery-shopping assistance.
  • Assisting with activities such as showering, oral hygiene, dressing, and using the toilet.
  • The management of medications, includes storing and administering them.
  • Assisting with lifestyle activities, such as gathering friends and interacting with others.
  • The assistance you need to achieve your goals in terms of personal development.

Your own home or NDIS housing can be the site of your SIL funding. It is also possible to provide overnight support, if necessary, but let the NDIS know beforehand.  


In what ways are SDA and SIL different? 

An SDA is a specially designed accommodation or existing housing modified to provide comprehensive care to people with high care needs. 

SIL refers to the people in need who are provided with support services as they develop their skills and live independently as possible. 

If eligible, a person may get both SIL and SDA. In an NDIS plan, they will receive separate funding if someone requires support for living and housing modifications. 

SIL funding is separate from SDA funding, allowing them to reside in the housing most suiting their needs and receive support for SIL that is most beneficial to them from the registered NDIS provider. 

Changing housing with SDA funding is possible. For this, SDA funding must be reapplied if the applicant moves to another accommodation. 


Is it possible to get SIL through the NDIS plan? 

As long as you’re eligible, the NDIS will cover your daily needs for living, therapeutic support, modifications you need for your home or vehicle, and mobility equipment if necessary. Despite its complexity, navigating NDIS regulation isn’t as easy as it seems. To make this journey more manageable, your Support Coordinator or NDIS planner will ask questions such as: 

  • What support would be most suitable for you: regular daytime help or irregular daytime support? 
  • Is an individual house or a shared house what you are looking for?  
  • Do you have any preferences when it comes to culture or lifestyle? 

As a result of this information, an individual home and support plan gets created, a well-framed document that will be used in the application for NDIS. If you need help putting together some of this information, please feel free to contact our support team. 


How can SIL providers and homes benefit you? 

As an option to help NDIS participants reach their goals of living as independently as possible, SIL offers them more control and choice in their lives. Furthermore, it can provide: 

  • A safe and convenient location. 
  • Quality accommodation. 
  • An opportunity to make new friends.  

The benefit of accessing SIL in a shared living situation allows you to reduce the rent cost, which leaves participants with more funds to develop new skills as outlined in their Plan.  

It is also possible to share support. Participants in a shared home who require a support worker to stay overnight may be able to split the cost rather than using their Plan funding solely for the overnight stay. 


Are you eligible for SIL funding? 

SIL services depend on having an active NDIS plan with SIL funding included in your plan or DSOA funding. 

SIL funding is provided by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) based on a set of criteria known as the reasonable and necessary support.  

SIL funding is available if you meet the following requirements: 

  • Health carries out Functional Assessment Reports (FARs) to document this. 
  • Support coordinators should provide an Identification of Housing Solutions report. 
  • Indicate that you are incapable of living without 24-hour support. Professionals in Allied 

Families, caregivers, networks, and community members should also be considered when determining SIL eligibility. Support must be adequate, tailored, and beneficial to the individual. Whether you are eligible for funding, Advance Care can assist you. 


What is the amount of funding for disability accommodation?  

The situation may vary. Funding under the NDIS cannot get standardised. You may also be able to receive funding depending on the type of housing you choose. There are many ways to live, including on your own, in shared apartments, or in some other type of supported housing. You can determine your funding level based on your choice here. 

You will also receive an independent assessment of the amount of support you need from NDIS once you receive your home and support plan. For this purpose, you may consult a doctor, a family member, or a close friend. 


How does the SIL assessment work? 

Through the SIL assessment, an individual’s daily support needs are determined. For this, you need to fill out the Home and Living Supports Request Form for a better understanding of your requirements. 

Individuals seeking SIL should also consult with their families or caregivers to understand their needs. 

As part of the application process for the SIL NDIS, medical and allied health reports get reviewed. 

An individual with a disability has several options for support in their community. For NDIS-funded backing to qualify for individual support, there are several criteria to meet: 

  • Goals, aspirations, and current situation 
  • Current location, future residence, and goals for living 
  • Assistance on a day-to-day basis. 
  • Assessments or reports by occupational therapists 
  • Your ability to develop independent living skills 
  • You can achieve your home and living goals with the support you need 
  • Your support requirement and other helpful information 
  • Alternative housing or living arrangements.

You must complete the assessment form to discuss the required lifestyle.  


SIL homes: Does the support coordinator assist in finding one? 

In the pre-planning phase of the NDIS, it might be worthwhile to think about whether you want to live more independently or with a group of friends. 

Therefore, you can request NDIS funding for SIL. Your LAC or National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) representative can provide this at your next NDIS meeting if you’re already an NDIS participant.  

The NDIS will review this case-by-case funding basis, whether you are a new or existing participant.  

It could also help you get hold of funding to pursue your goal of living more independently at a time of your choice if you’ve been working towards it for some time.  

During your next planning session, you should discuss your short- and medium-term goals for independent living. 

A number of other factors must be taken into account, including the ratio of support required for each participant in shared accommodations, the necessary support, and the roster of services available from the provider of choice. 

All of the above will be taken into account by NDIS when determining your funding amount. It is possible to review disputed decisions if you so desire. 


Supported Independent Living: What does it cover? 

You can receive support to live independently in your home through supported independent living. Daily tasks, such as personal care and cooking meals, may require assistance or supervision.  

The more skills you develop, the more independent you will be. The supported independent living program is available to individuals who require constant home assistance. 


What is excluded from SIL? 

Among the costs excluded from supported independent living are those not directly related to your disability support, such as: 

  • Costs associated with groceries. 
  • Expenses related to renting, lodging, or board. 
  • The cost of the vehicle. 
  • Managing household budgets and paying bills. 
  • Expenses related to gas, electricity, water, telephones, and internet. 


What is the payment process for SIL? 

Support levels will determine how much funding you receive.  

There is no coverage for rent, transportation, groceries, or other living expenses in the SIL. 

Whereas the support staff is provided daily assistance through SIL funding in supported living accommodations. 


Who is suitable for supported living? 

 Individuals with disabilities who prefer not to live in residential care but have difficulty living alone or relying on others may qualify for Supported Independent Living services. 

Everyone has different needs when it comes to living alone. There are three levels of funding available under the NDIS for SIL: 

Lower needs – Support is not usually required 24/7 for those with lower requirements. Residents are supervised in their living arrangements. 

Standard needs – There is a 24/7 support service available. Support Workers sleep overnight and supervise most tasks every day. 

Higher needs – A 24/7 active support system is available. Assisting with daily tasks and managing challenging behaviour are among the responsibilities of staff members. 

Depending on your needs, you might benefit from Supported Independent Living or a higher level of support. You can discuss this with your local NDIS provider. 


Does this funding cover my house & pay for rent? 

Unfortunately, no. For that, you need specialist disability accommodation funding. Shared homes provide disability support tailored to your needs so you can live in a shared house with your friends or family.  

Generally, SDA funding is available to those suffering from physical, sensory, cognitive, or otherwise functional impairments. 

Many people who receive SDA funding receive support from SIL. Although SDA and SIL funding is separate applications, it’s important for you to remember that only the individual receives funding, not the home.  

Consequently, you have the freedom to choose where you want to live and which provider you want to keep. 


How do I know if SIL is right for me?  

The Supported Independent Living program is available to people with advanced needs over the age of 18.  

Instead of being forced to live in your accommodation, you can choose various accommodations (STA or MTA) as you see fit. If you choose to live at home, you may receive Higher Support. 

The amount of government funding for Supported Independent Living (SIL) varies according to the level and type of support you need. 

Some tasks may require help daily, like getting out of bed and getting ready in the morning, but you may not need 24-hour assistance and high-level support.   

To qualify for Supported Independent Living, you must have one of the following health conditions: 

Autism, Alzheimer’s disease, brain injury, dementia, Alzheimer’s and dementia-related disorders, epilepsy, chronic mental illness, stroke, and mild learning difficulties. 

Support funded by the NDIS is available in this situation as well. Assistive Technology at home may be a better option if you need personal care support.  



What is the difference between ILO & SIL? 

Support via ILO differs from Supported Independent Living (SIL), which generally involves paid personal services. Shared arrangements are the most common place to use ILO support. In addition to 24/7 care, SIL best suits participants seeking higher support. 


What is the difference between SIL & SDA? 

Supported Independent Living (SIL) and Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) are two types of housing for people with disabilities. However, SIL refers to support services that assist individuals with daily living tasks in a shared or independent living environment, whereas SDA refers to specially designed housing for people with significant functional impairment or high support needs. SIL can be provided in any type of housing, whereas SDA is purpose-built and designed to meet specific disability-related requirements.


Can SIL be considered for core support?  

It is technically a Core Support, but you cannot use it with your flexible Core budget. Under Assistance in Daily Life, SIL will receive special funding if it’s included in your NDIS plan. NDIS funding for SIL is based on how much assistance is needed. 


Can the plan manager manage SIL? 

The plan manager may occasionally manage budgets for SIL. It is the participant’s responsibility to contact the plan manager to arrange payment if this occurs. 


How does a support coordinator help? 

The support coordinator will help you use a variety of supports to live more independently, maintain relationships, manage service delivery tasks, and engage in your community as much as possible. The specialist support coordination level represents the highest support coordination. 


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