A Guide to NDIS plan management rules 

When you live with a disability, you do face the difficulty in juggling tasks. You usually face the major problems like mobility which hinders in your capacity development. Apart from the mobility issue, you may also have difficulty managing finances, ensuring you have enough to pay for therapies, treatments, and assistive technology such as wheelchairs. Which is more challenging!  

More than 400,000 participants in Australia receive disability support services from thousands of NDIS providers, so the NDIS must be governed by rules protecting both the interests of the participants and providers. 

Australians with a range of disabilities can access financial assistance through the NDIS Scheme, more commonly known as NDIS. Individualised fund packages, also known as NDIS Plans enable participants to access this support. 

Managing NDIS fund for the NDIS plan comes with having access to the NDIS fund. Self-managing your plan requires you to follow NDIS guidelines, and track your spending. 

The NDIS must be notified for the invoices, and the NDIS must pay for the invoices. The NDIS will require a lot of juggling and record keeping.   

It may be more convenient for you to use the Plan Manager for NDIS if you find self-management challenging and not within your knowledge territory.  

What is plan management? 

You can manage your fund by using plan management for NDIS. Utilising a plan manager allows you to manage your NDIS budget and pay your bills while letting you decide how to use it. If you don’t want to take care of the hassel then you can access the list of NDIS plan managers available in official NDIS website. 

Those involved in the NDIS have the option of managing their plan funds in the way they see fit. 

In addition, you need to ensure that you comply with NDIS rules regarding reasonable and necessary financial transactions and paperwork which can be personally daunting if you are unaware of the rules and regulation. It is advisable to take assistance from the NDIS plan management provider. 

What are the available NDIS plan management guide?

The NDIS management options are different for everyone, so it is important to remember that everyone has unique needs. A plan management provider for NDIS will include support preferences and lifestyle preferences that are unique to each individual. 

Consider discussing with other people who have NDIS plans which might help you in finding the  management type that suits your requirement. Nevertheless, seeking professional advice from the best NDIS plan manager and conducting your own personal research can help you create a strong feasible NDIS plan.  

Considering your aspirations, life goals, support needs, and how much effort you are prepared to put into managing your NDIS funds may be helpful. 

There are three core management options available for the NDIS plan. You can mix and match them based on your requirement.  

Plan management: 

You NDIS plan managers near me allows you to meet clients and discuss their goals, needs, and wishes. 

NDIS registration is required for the national plan manager to provide plan management services in alliance with the NDIS guidelines.  

Plan Managers are available to every participant, the individual must decide on the Plan Management Program.  

You do not lose any funding for your NDIS process because the funds are specific. A Plan Manager will be paid directly by the NDIS for all the support you have requested; our plan manager will manage and decide the types of NDIS support you might require by complying with the national disability insurance scheme rules on your behalf. 

However, when preparing your NDIS sample plan your NDIS registered provider should know how your funds should be used.  You’ll establish Service Agreements with your NDIS plan managers in Adelaide.  

You must receive monthly updates on the balance of your NDIS plan from your manager. 

Non-registered providers can provide you with treatments and other services, which is a definite benefit for you even in your NDIS self management guide. 

Is Plan-Managed Right for You?

A plan-managed option delivers many of the benefits instead of a self-managed option. It reduces the administrative burdens. 

But these plan management do have management fees, but the expenses gets covered by your NDIS funding, which are paid directly by the NDIA, so there is nothing for you to stress or worry about.  


You can receive your NDIS funding directly through a self-managed NDIS plan. The NDIS cap rates may not apply if you use a self-managed plan. 

Your NDIS funding is self-managed when you manage it yourself. Choosing what supports you want to buy to accomplish your plan goals gives you flexibility and choice. 

Your funds can be used in creative ways. 

Talk to your Local Area Coordinator (LAC) or NDIA planner if you want to self-manage your NDIS plan.  

Another option would be to connect with a self-management peer support group or ask someone you know who self-manages about their experience. 

Those who are self-managing or interested in self-managing their NDIS funding can find a guide to self-management in the NDIS Guide to Self-Management.  

Using this guide, people will learn how to self-manage effectively and the benefits of self-management. 

Self-management experience is essential to the NDIA, as you need to prepare the plans within the NDIS rules. 

NDIA provides funds for self-scheduled and organised support in a self-managed plan. Depending on your project and preferences, you will receive these funds differently. 

Is a self-managed plan beneficial for you?

You can arrange and pay for your support independently and with greater control when you self-manage your NDIS funds. 

Self-managing your NDIS funding will give you the following benefits: 

  • Following your plan, you decide which supports to purchase, who provides these supports, and how they are delivered. 
  • Provider flexibility to meet your plan goals through the provider of your choice. 
  • You are capable of directly hiring or contracting any NDIS plan manager near me, or you can have someone else do it on your behalf. 
  • You can achieve the best value for your funds. You can also use the savings to purchase more or better-quality supports. 
  • Throughout the NDIS duration support of your NDIS plan, you will have control and responsibility over your budget. 

NDIA managed (Agency funded) 

When you choose NDIS agency-managed funds, the NDIA pays service providers on your behalf. 

My Aged Care gives you access to your plan and lets you track your spending without having to pay providers. 

Regardless of the service providers, you choose to deliver your support; you will still have control and choice.  

The only providers you will be able to determine if you have your plan Agency-managed are those that are registered with the NDIS.  For the trusted NDIS plan management near me you can take help from Advance care. A registered service provider, is qualified, approved, experienced and capable of providing the approved support. 

The planner will ask you how you wish to manage the funds in your NDIS plan during your NDIS plan meeting.  

The agency can manage your funds if you want to. You can plan review meeting with the NDIS service provider allowing you to change the current plan and fund management service. 

NDIS behavioural management plan 

Families with challenging NDIS participants or individual often have difficulty managing their behaviour. 

Providing evidence of your participants behaviour and a goal of improved relationships is required to get behaviour support in the NDIS Plan. 

For the behavioural analysis you can take support from the professionals such as psychologists, therapists, schools, and general practitioners to gather evidence from them. Essentially, they should explain how getting help now will prevent worsening behaviour. 

Behaviour Support Plans and family training are two types of support available for your NDIS participants, depending on their needs. 

Types of funding program to support behaviour

Behaviour support is available at two levels under the NDIS: 

  • Specialist Behaviour Intervention Support

With behavioural support plans may need to include restrictive practices for harmful behaviours. People are restricted by NDIS legislation as their rights, such as ability to move freely, are limited. 

  • Behaviour Support Plan and training

An effective Behavior Support Plan identifies what triggers the behaviour and offers suggestions for reducing or preventing it.  

Your child’s therapists along with NDIS and NDIA can work with a registered Behavior Support Practitioner to develop a strategy and training plan to support your child’s behaviour. 

What are the NDIS plan management rules?

The NDIS plan management rules guide the participant’s plan management decisions. 

 The NDIS plan management are governed by legislation and operational guidelines. 

According to the NDIS plan management rules, the following four areas need to be addressed: 

  • A participant may be at unreasonable risk when self-managing funding. 
  • A grace period for temporary absence from Australia. 
  • The participant’s plan should describe the supports they receive. 


NDIS providers and participants can make informed decisions using the same language and terminology, following these rules and setting NDIS plan management terms. 

NDIS Practice Standards to be followed by the service provider

Depending on your support and services and your organisation’s structure, the NDIS Practice Standards have a core module and several supplementary modules. 

Modules are divided into: 

  • Participants-focused outcomes at a high level 
  • NDIS Commission assessing compliance with NDIS Practice Standards. 

Core module

 The module covers the following topics: 

  • A support program’s delivery. 
  • Participant rights and provider responsibilities. 
  • Delivering support within a particular environment. 
  • Operational management and governance. 

Supplementary modules

In the supplementary modules, you will learn about: 

  • Accommodations for people with disabilities. 
  • A behaviour support specialist, including the implementation of a behaviour support plan 
  • Supporting early childhood development 
  • Daily activities with high intensity 
  • Coordination of specialised support 

Operational Guidelines for the NDIS Plan Manager  

In the Operational Guidelines, you will find some information related to the NDIA’s operational functions. Regulations and legislation about NDIS are the core requirement under the operational guidelines. 

The legislation explains what we must consider and the ways our decision should be based on.  

According to NDIS plan management standards, plan managers have ongoing service obligations that include: 

  • The plan management regulations and operational standards, must allow your client to select from various providers registered with the NDIS. 
  • When a participant changes plan managers (self-managed versus NDIA managed) or choose a different form of plan management, you must agree and mention the end date for NDIS service. 
  • When clients engage a new plan manager, you must provide them with their entire plan payment history. 
  • Monthly financial statements must be provided to clients by plan managers showing the expenses. 
  • Providers bills must match the NDIS plan. 

NDIS plan management near me

You can search for providers on the NDIS my place participant portal, connect with your friends and family who are taking the NDIS service from the reliable NDIS service provider or explore other online resources and websites.  

Further you can contact a plan manager by connecting them through support coordinators, local area coordinators, or early childhood partners.  

You can choose your plan manager according to your preference. It is also possible to change the plan manager inbetween your NDIS plan. 

It is your responsibility to inform your plan manager if you would like to make a change. There will be a need for explanation during the process.  

For reliable and convenient NDIS plan manager service in Australia, connect with us!   

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